Courageous Careers


navigate career TRANSITION with care, COMPETENCE and clarity

Courageous Careers

Move forward with a trusted guide and a proven road map, to clarify direction, messages and marketing to land your next role faster and easier. Together, we assess, vision, strategize and to figure out clarity in direction and messages. And, by learning and practicing courage, clients take bolder steps that lead them to roles they love rather than settle. This caring, customized approach helps clients feel supported and realize their true potential.

From self-assessment to self-marketing, I offer a comprehensive programs to help clients navigate with care, competence and clarity to land a job they love.

packages: from 1 months to 1 year.

  • Individual professional clients.

  • Boutique outplacement services to employees.


You genuinely want to your employees to land in a role where they can shine quickly. Unfortunately, many firms provide little support or a cookie cutter approach to transition. You don’t want your employees to flounder through a transition. I provide a caring, competent services with a customized approach for about the same price or less than larger firms.

Courageous Career Road Map

BEST Self Profile™    

Through hands-on activities, assessment tools, and discussion I help you identify your values, strengths, personality, flow skills, ideal environments, and dreams. Self assessment tools include; Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Strong Interest Inventory, and Strengthsfinder. In addition, I help you explore best fit and use of those talents in your work. Ultimately we arrive at your BEST SELF PROFILE™.

Generate and Explore Options

The next step involves brainstorming potential options to explore. I provide guidance in conducting research, networking, informational interviewing, developing partnerships, and crafting experiments. This is a synergistic process as you explore options, new ideas and options become available. Together, we strategize on how best to get you to your desired outcomes.

Decision Making 

Using the decision making styles and reviewing life line history, you can make wise and authentic choices about new directions and plan B’s.

Self Marketing

Develop a strategic plan for marketing yourself including; creating an effective messaging, goals and strategy for networking meetings and finding contacts. We review resume, LinkedIn Profile, prepare for interviews by learning how to tell your story in a compelling manner.

Goal Setting/Vision

Together we create a desired career vision and back that vision with specific and time oriented action steps, we examine both internal and external obstacles and use both practical and creative techniques for realizing your dreams.

Ongoing Support, Strategy and doses of courage

Having a place to check in for accountability, to strategize, or simply because you feel stuck is reassuring. You know that you have a place to process, get unstuck and help to you move forward faster and more intentionally. Learn and practice courage building skills.

If you want to learn more or find out if coaching is right for you. click below to schedule 30 minutes with Molly.